
Sprint for Women’s Health
The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) aims to galvanize the innovator, investor, researcher, and patient advocate communities to proactively address women’s health challenges, raise awareness, and spur innovation. ARPA-H commits $100 million towards transformative research and development in women’s health as part of a new request for solutions (RFS) funding opportunity. Read more about the Sprint for Women’s Health.
ARPA-H announced a Request for Solutions (RFS) funding opportunity, soliciting ideas for novel, groundbreaking research and development to address women’s health, as well as opportunities to accelerate and scale tools, products, and platforms with potential for commercialization to improve women’s health outcomes. Awardees will develop unconventional approaches and innovative new avenues to push high-impact biomedical research forward.

ARPA-H’s latest program, Universal Patching and Remediation for Autonomous Defense (UPGRADE), aims to eliminate cyberattacks on hospitals by developing tools that proactively probe digital hospital environments for software weaknesses to protect hospital operations, keep devices and information secure, and ensure continuity of patient care. UPGRADE seeks performer teams to submit proposals on four technical areas and is especially interested in reaching small- to mid-sized hospitals and medical device manufacturers.
To learn more about UPGRADE, including information about the draft solicitation, virtual Proposers’ Day registration, and how to state interest in forming an applicant team, visit the UPGRADE program page.

The ARPA-H HEalth care Rewards to Achieve Improved OutcomES (HEROES) program aims to trial and validate a radically different approach to creating preventative care incentives in the health market. This approach involves offering direct payments to individual “health accelerators”—such as nonprofits or care consortiums—that successfully implement preventative care campaigns that improve the rates for specific health harms in an entire geographic population.
HEROES is soliciting abstracts and proposals on four health outcomes: cardiovascular disease and risks, alcohol-related harms, opioid overdoses, and severe complications during pregnancy or birth. Find more information about HEROES, including the Draft Program Solicitation, available office hours, and upcoming webinars.

ARPA-H is looking for performers for the Building Resilient Environments for Air and Total HEalth (BREATHE) program! The program will develop building systems that monitor and respond to changes in indoor air quality, driving the next generation of smart buildings to ensure indoor air is always safe and healthy.
The Investor Catalyst Hub hosted an information session with ARPA-H PM Jessica Green, Ph.D., about the program and its Technical Area 3 (TA3), focused on installing systems in buildings to cost-effectively deliver healthier air when needed.

Medical Imaging Data Marketplace—Network Survey
The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) and the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are partnering to streamline access to affordable, high-quality, regulatory-ready medical imaging data. The agencies are exploring the development of a medical imaging data marketplace (MIDM) to expedite innovation in Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) and other artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML)-enabled medical devices.
In support of this initiative, the Investor Catalyst Hub issued a Network Survey to collect feedback about specific needs and challenges that medical imaging software and product developers, users of AI and ML medical imaging products, and private and public organizations face with utilizing, managing, and producing data for product development and evaluation.